Historia y mito del guaraná

Antes de empezar a hablar sobre las propiedades y beneficios del guaraná para el ser humano, debemos saber que és y de dónde proviene. El guaraná o también conocido por su nombre científico “Paullinia Cupana” es un planta nativa procedente de la Amazonia. Se trata de una liana trepadora caracterizada por sus vistosas bayas de color marrón – rojizas. Las culturas de los pueblos amazónicos utilizan las propiedades del guaraná desde tiempos inmemoriales, preparando ungüentos y medicinas. Las tribus utilizaban el guaraná como estimulante y alimento astringente, además de utilizarlo como anorexígeno para los periodos de ayuno. Propiedades del Guaraná Se trata de un estimulante natural gracias a su alto contenido en cafeína, superior al que contiene el famoso café […]

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4 indispensables de la cocina macrobiótica

¿Alguien sabe que es la cocina macrobiótica? La alimentación macrobiótica o dieta macrobiótica es un tipo de nutrición fundamentada en alimentos ecológicos y cultivados en proximidad y verduras de temporada. La alimentación es rica en cereales integrales, legumbres y verduras cocidas, eliminando así los productos procesados. La dieta Yin  Yang. ¿Qué és? Esta dieta se basa en los principios de la Medicina Tradicional China. Existe el Yin y el Yang, dos fuerzas opuestas que en realidad se complementan. Por este motivo, es importante ingerir alimentos Yin y alimentos Yang para que nuestro organismo genere equilibrio. La alimentación Yin incluye verduras y frutas por el alto contenido de agua que contienen. Pueden considerarse productos Yin el azúcar, café, helados, leche, especias […]

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ventajas audífonos

El uso de los audífonos no sólo mejoran la audición, sino que aportan muchos otros beneficios sorprendentes. Tanto es así que diversos estudios constatan que su uso mejora significativamente la calidad de vida. Una buena parte de estos beneficios se debe a la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías. En el artículo de hoy vamos a conocer las ventajas de los audífonos actuales. Y lo haremos de la mano de Audiotek, centro auditivo de Barcelona. Ventajas de los audífonos, influencia de las nuevas tecnologías La implementación de las nuevas tecnologías en el mundo de la audiología está provocando grandes avances para los usuarios de audífonos. En general, la mayor parte de estos avances se enfocan en la mejora de la calidad […]

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Descubre las ventajas de la melatonina en gotas

Las pastillas de melatonina o melatonina en gotas, son un suplemento natural para favorecer un sueño tranquilo y reparador sin riesgos

Desde hace algún tiempo se investiga con interés la utilidad de la melatonina en gotas para dormir. Este potente antioxidante, producido de forma natural por la glándula pineal y que puede tomarse en comprimidos, tiene muchas aplicaciones terapéuticas beneficiosas. Pero quizás la propiedad más popular sea la de la melatonina en gotas para dormir.   En pacientes con insomnio, se ha comprobado que sólo una hora después de haber ingerido melatonina en gotas o pastillas, el 90% consiguen un sueño de más calidad. Así mismo, el despertar es más fresco y descansado, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con el uso de otro tipo de somníferos.  Estudios médicos neurológicos han constatado que es frecuente que los los ancianos sufran insomnio. […]

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In today’s article, our friends from Audiotek, the best hearing center where you can buy hearing aids, will talk about ReSound hearing aids, a technological breakthrough in terms of hearing aids and, especially, hearing aids digital for the deaf. The ReSound headphones are wireless. Which means that you can connect to an app that allows you to control them comfortably from our mobile phone. This represents a whole range of advantages for the user of digital hearing aids for the deaf. How headphones work with an app connection The headphones connected by app, like the ReSound headphones are modern, innovative, discreet and functional. They work by sending the audio signal directly from the mobile to the hearing aid. This allows […]

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Osteoarthritis is one of the main factors of joint pain and disability in the adult population. It consists of an inflammatory process that affects, above all, the joints of the hands, knees and hips. An alternative to avoid these pains is the collagen for the joints. Worldwide, osteoarthritis is the fourth cause of morbidity in women over 60 and the eighth in men. This fact gives even greater relevance to the use of collagen for joints. The source of joint pain Cartilage is the firm and elastic tissue that protects the bones in the joints and allows them to slide over one another. But when, over time, it breaks and wears out, it causes the bones to rub against each […]

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Hydrolyzed collagen is a natural nutritional supplement, basically made from bovine bones and cartilage, perfect to promote the production of collagen in our body. In this way, it helps us improve the appearance of our skin and strengthen our joints, our nails and our hair. Hydrolyzed collagen supplements are highly recommended after 30 years of age. But they are also especially indicated at younger ages in people who spend a lot of time in the sun or who smoke. These factors are determinants in the worsening of the health of the skin and stimulate aging. When should I take hydrolyzed collagen? As mentioned previously, hydrolyzed collagen is recommended after age 30 and for those who spend a lot of time […]

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Foods rich in Omega 3 are very important for the functioning of our body. They influence our cardiovascular health, are part of our nervous system, have an important influence on our brain, are anti-inflammatory and provide many other vital benefits for our body. As our body does not synthesize it, the only way to obtain it is through food. Omega 3 can be easily found in fish (especially on your skin). And to preserve it correctly it is important not to cook them at high temperatures and, above all, never fry them. Recommended daily dose of Omega 3 The recommended daily amount of Omega 3 that we should ingest depends, basically, on the age and gender of each person. In […]

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Obviously losing weight (at least losing those extra pounds) improves our physical health … but does it improve our psychological health? At first glance we might think it’s normal, right? Losing weight increases our satisfaction, especially when we get on the bathroom scale and see that we’ve lost weight! In fact, it is one of the main arguments in favor of slimming: in addition to the physical benefits of losing weight, it is understood that the fight against bathing scales will improve our psychological health as it will represent an increase in our self-esteem. Although, on the other hand, we tend to forget the mental imbalances that can cause diets.   LOSING WEIGHT LOSS YOU DOWN According to a study […]

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In recent years, beet juice has been gaining more support for recognition of its obvious health benefits. From a nutritional point of view, it is a food highly valued for its high content of vitamins and minerals. In addition, beet juice is a beverage rich in antioxidants, promotes the care of our cardiovascular system, helps in the performance of physical exercise and, according to recent studies, can have positive effects on our brains, especially among the elderly population age. BENEFITS OF BEET JUICE LBeet is a deep root, large and extremely fleshy. Although there are several varieties, the most common is known as red beet, a root almost spherical, globular appearance, with a characteristic color that ranges from reddish orange […]

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