Mantenimiento de su barco, ¿Cómo cuidar la arboladura?

La arboladura del barco es parte indispensable en toda embarcación de vela, y por lo tanto requiere un mantenimiento adecuado. Se trata  del conjunto de palos y vergas de la embarcación. Los  palos de la arboladura del barco son de varios tipos: el palo trinquete, el palo mesana, el palo contramesana o buenaventura y el palo bauprés. Por lo que respecta a las vergas del barco, son palos engarzados en los mástiles de forma transversal, a una  determinada altura del barco.  En V de Bravado, el varadero de los apasionados por   el mar especialistas en reparación y puesta a punto de arboladura y jarcia, nos han explicado las claves para cuidar correctamente de un barco. El mantenimiento regular es […]

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The Harlem Globetrotters Tour is a show full of impossible and incomparable stunts that do not leave anyone indifferent. The Globetrotter legend was born in Illinois in 1926 and at that time they were a dedicated show team at the Savoy Ballroom in Chicago. For this reason, the name of the emblematic team in its beginnings was the Savoy Big, until they began to play basketball at a professional level. The Harlem Globetrotters Tour accumulates almost a century of success behind it as one of the most popular shows in the world. A cocktail of sports, surprising skills, comedy and entertainment for the whole family, without the need for you to particularly like basketball – the Globetrotters Tour is for […]

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stay homas

When the State of Alarm was announced throughout Spain on March 15, three musician friends who shared a flat in Barcelona set a goal for themselves. Compose a song a day and go out to the terrace of his apartment to play it. As many neighbors did on their balconies. Thus was born, spontaneously, Stay Homas. Stay Homas is made up of Klaus Stroink, voice actor as well as trumpeter for Nil Moliner, composer and member of Búhos; Rai Benet, who plays guitar in the videos but actually works as a bassist and shares the stage with Klaus in Búho and with Nil Moliner; and Guillem Boltó, trombonist and frontman of Doctor Prats, a band with 60,000 followers on Instagram. […]

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