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In recent years, beet juice has been gaining more support for recognition of its obvious health benefits. From a nutritional point of view, it is a food highly valued for its high content of vitamins and minerals. In addition, beet juice is a beverage rich in antioxidants, promotes the care of our cardiovascular system, helps in the performance of physical exercise and, according to recent studies, can have positive effects on our brains, especially among the elderly population age.


LBeet is a deep root, large and extremely fleshy. Although there are several varieties, the most common is known as red beet, a root almost spherical, globular appearance, with a characteristic color that ranges from reddish orange to brown. Its pulp is generally dark red and its taste is simply delicious because it is especially sweet. In addition, preparing a beet juice with a juicer is very simple.

But in case something stands out, it is because of its organoleptic properties. Beet juice is rich, especially in vitamin C and A, folic acid, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. But it is also an important source of other B vitamins in addition to folic acid, although in small amounts, among which we can mention B1, B2, B3 and B6.

In addition, as we said before, it is a drink very rich in antioxidants, especially in carotenoids and in flavonoids. These help us in reducing the negative effects of free radicals. The qualities of these antioxidants are recognized as a potent anticancer, so regular consumption of both beet juice helps prevent the onset of cancer.

On the other hand, beet juice also cares for our cardiovascular system, thanks to its rich folate. Its regular consumption is useful to reduce hypertension, besides helping us in the prevention of heart disease.


A research developed by Wake Forest University’s Department of Health and Exercise Sciences in Winston-Salem, North Carolina has found that the beneficial effects this beverage has on the brain can be reinforced by simply drinking beetroot juice before making exercise.

The results of the experiment showed that adults who consumed beet juice prior to moderately intense exercise showed increased connectivity in the brain regions associated with motor function compared to adults who did not.

The aim of the study was to determine whether beet juice could increase the brain benefits of physical activity. For this, they had the participation of 26 adults of 55 years or more and with high blood pressure. None of the participants exercised regularly, and were taking up to two medications to help them lower their blood pressure.

In the experiment, all volunteers did 50 minutes of moderately intense exercise on a treadmill three times a week for 6 weeks. One hour before each session, half of the participants took a supplement of beet juice containing 560 milligrams of nitrates, while the remaining participants consumed a placebo.

Experts consider that the benefits of beet juice come given thanks to its high nitrate content; Since, when consumed, nitrates are converted to nitric oxide, which science has shown can lower blood pressure and increase blood flow to the brain.



Preparing a beet juice with your juicer is the simplest thing in the world. You can prepare it in a blender or any blender with a glass, American blender type.

To make it, you only need 3 red beets of medium size. We begin by washing the beets well, drying them and cutting them into small pieces. Then we put them in the blender or glass of our American blender. If we wish we can add some water. We remove well with the help of a wooden spoon, and finally we simply have to drink it to us instantly.

A possible variation is to prepare the beet juice incorporating also apple and carrot. In that case we will need 3 small beets, 2 large carrots and 1 apple.

We will wash all the ingredients well. Cut the beet, carrot and apple into pieces and put everything in the glass of the juicer. Finally we will stir well and drink.


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