Un mundo de ideas y recomendaciones


Obviously losing weight (at least losing those extra pounds) improves our physical health … but does it improve our psychological health? At first glance we might think it’s normal, right? Losing weight increases our satisfaction, especially when we get on the bathroom scale and see that we’ve lost weight!

In fact, it is one of the main arguments in favor of slimming: in addition to the physical benefits of losing weight, it is understood that the fight against bathing scales will improve our psychological health as it will represent an increase in our self-esteem. Although, on the other hand, we tend to forget the mental imbalances that can cause diets.



According to a study led by psychologist Sarah E. Jackson of University College London, although dieting you lose up to 5% of your weight, and that makes you healthier physically, on the other hand, also makes you find yourself More depressed. This decrease in mood increases by 50%, even eliminating the effects of other personal circumstances such as economic, work or personal problems.

This demoralizing effect may be due in part to non-fulfillment of expectations: when we begin a diet to lose pounds we are encouraged by the promise that weight loss will represent a radical improvement in all aspects of our lives. Something that does not really happen. And they hide the great effort of following these regimes.

On the other hand, when we find ourselves following a diet we face the loss of hedonism. Our society prioritizes the achievement of objectives to the vital enjoyment. And in that respect, following a diet often requires giving up such a basic pleasure for many of us as it is to eat. And to get away from those positive feelings like those provided by good food also takes a toll on us.



Anyway, if your goal is to lose kilos and do not fear to face the scale, we give you some tips to make it easier:

Sleeping well helps to lose weight: According to a University of Chicago study, sleeping through the night causes more fat to be lost.
Avoiding cravings with imagination: Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have discovered that when you are attacked by the inevitable cravings for eating chocolates or sweets a good solution is to imagine yourself taking large amounts of those delicacies. That may be enough to quench your appetite.
Drinking water: A study by the American Chemical Society showed that drinking two cups of water before eating helps to lose weight and fight obesity.
Do not eat in front of the computer: A paper published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition determines that eating while working with the computer can increase our appetite throughout the day.
Monitor product labels: It is important to look closely at food labels. It is a habit that can help us lose weight according to a recent study from Washington State University.
Better to eat slow: When we eat fast reduces the segregation of hormones that cause the feeling of being full. The reduction of these hormones leads us to overeating and, therefore, to gain weight.


En su segunda juventud ha descubierto la pasión de escribir. Cuando no se pierde entre fantasías futuristas y pesadillas infernales se dedica a divagar sobre cualquier tema que llame su atención. ¡Todo lo parece interesante! Y es que un escritor puede encontrar la inspiración en las fuentes más inesperadas...

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