Un mundo de ideas y recomendaciones


Foods rich in Omega 3 are very important for the functioning of our body. They influence our cardiovascular health, are part of our nervous system, have an important influence on our brain, are anti-inflammatory and provide many other vital benefits for our body.

As our body does not synthesize it, the only way to obtain it is through food. Omega 3 can be easily found in fish (especially on your skin). And to preserve it correctly it is important not to cook them at high temperatures and, above all, never fry them.

Recommended daily dose of Omega 3

The recommended daily amount of Omega 3 that we should ingest depends, basically, on the age and gender of each person. In addition, it may be associated with whether it appears to be some type of cardiovascular disease.La cantidad diaria recomendada de Omega 3 que debemos ingerir depende, básicamente, de la edad y del género de cada persona. Además, puede estar asociada a si ésta parece algún tipo de enfermedad cardiovascular.



Less than 1 year

0.5 gr / day

Between 1 and 3 years

40 mg / day

Between 4 and 8 years

55 mg / day

Between 9 and 13 years

70 mg / day

Between 14 and 18 years

125 mg / day

Adult Men

160 mg / day

Adult Women

90 mg / day

Pregnant women

115 mg / day

Foods with a higher content of Omega 3

Omega-3-rich foods are easy to incorporate into our diet. Let’s see which ones have the most content:

How a diet rich in Omega 3 should be

Here we suggest an example of how a balanced diet menu could be, in which we incorporate foods rich in omega 3:




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